Investigating an Anthropogenic Stress on Coral Reef Ecosystems
Pulau Seribu is an island archipelago extending almost due north 50 miles off the coast of Jakarta Bay in Indonesia. The coral reefs that surround these islands span a strong anthropogenic gradient from the heart of Jakarta Bay to the remote Sepa Island. We are using eDNA methods to map the response marine biodiversity to nutrient and sewage pollution. This work is done in collaboration with the wonderful and amazing Indonesian scientists of the Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center and Lembaga Ilmu Pengathuan Indonesia (LIPI) through the Infinite Diversity project. Please follow these links to learn more about these inspiring scientists and diversity initiatives.
Mapping Marine Biodiversity Across The Coral Triangle
Collaborating with Onny Marwayana to use eDNA to map marine biodiversity across the Indonesian archipelago from Aceh to Papua to investigate the ability of eDNA methods to capture known patterns of marine biodiversity.